Launch week for Good in Theory!

It’s always funny to look at the timeline for a book. I started Good in Theory, which shockingly had a title right from the beginning, in April of 2024, and here we are less than a year later with a fully written manuscript, over 70,000 words, edited, laid out, and beautifully covered, in my hands. It’s crazy.

My kids aren’t even impressed anymore! Lol

I’ve been asked if I have a launch week ritual, and the answer is maybe. I used to do the bestseller launches where you mark the ebook at $0.99, but it’s incredibly hard to hit in fiction categories, from my experience, if you don’t have a big audience. I have a bestseller in nonfiction, so that scratched the itch. Once I started winning awards for my books, I stopped focusing on the Amazon bestseller campaign and started focusing more on what will actually bring me joy.

Instead of marketing that my book will be on sale, I market it as the next in the series, a must-read, something joyful. It takes the pressure off on launch day, and I think that’s a good thing, especially in the U.S. during these … unprecedented times. Anything to spread joy and quell chaos is a win in my book.

I’m insanely proud of what I was able to do with Good in Theory. It’s the story of a female scientist who feels more at home in her lab than anywhere else, and her growth journey occurs outside of the fume hood, sometimes in the forest surrounding the Snoqualmie River, sometimes in her estranged cousin’s kitchen, but always among supportive friends.

The Soul Sisterhood series is about friendships and how they help us grow. Lacey’s story is such a great example of what happens when you fall in with the right people to support your journey, new and old friends. Learning from each other can be fragile little moments or earthquakes, but when you’re among your “people,” it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you get to step forward with them.

If you’re curious about Lacey’s beautiful story, a blend of mystery, adventure, and romance, then please grab a copy (or two!) at the links below. And it would mean the world to me if you left a review somewhere so others can discover my books too.

Please note that the ebook is only available through Amazon for now.

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